In the Red Tier: Campus opens to students
Almost a year since schools closed, students returned to in-person instruction.
Connor Lassila (sophomore) walks to his next class outside the science building while wearing a mask. Paly requires all students to wear a mask while on campus. Photo: Anya Lassila.
After months of planning, multiple difficult board meetings, and many changes to county health rules,
Paly opened its doors to students on March 9. Campus is open to students Tuesday through Friday, with students split up into two cohorts based on their last names. Masks and social distancing are required and with a large portion of students till in remote
learning, classes still happen over Zoom. Anthro photographers took pictures of this important first week back.

divider and spaced out to ensure proper social
distancing. Photo: Karrie Huang

Edmonds, dressed in their characteristic camouflage relax at
a picnic table during their 4th period prep while masked up,
as per school rules. Photo: Anya Lassila.

classes for the first time. Because of distanced learning, all
students back on campus have to readjust to navigating the
Paly campus. Photo: Anya Lassila.

lunch. To ensure students stay distanced at all times, arrows
keep the flow of people moving in one direction while
yellow footprints on the ground indicate places to stand that
are six feet apart. Photo: William Rumelhart.

all entrances to the campus. This ensures that everyone has
completed the daily health screener. Photo: Anya Lassila