Gavin Lin, freshman
Gavin Lin, freshman

Verbatim: Students react to mass shootings in California

The recent mass shootings are concerning to Paly students

February 16, 2023

Two mass shootings have occurred over the last month in California — one in Half Moon Bay, and one in Monterey Park, killing and wounding a total of 28 individuals. Anthro asked Palo Alto High School students about their initial reactions and thoughts about the shootings.


Gavin Lin, freshman

“I think it is really sad, especially the recent shootings and the history of school shootings because there are lots of kids that are just trying to learn and build a future. Unfortunately, they just get that taken away from them. 

— Gavin Lin, freshman





Alexis Chiu, senior

“I think it is concerning especially since California has stricter gun laws than other states that we’ve been hearing about. We need to take an approach to get to the root of the problem and have stricter gun laws.”


— Alexis Chiu, senior



Jack Madwed, sophomore

I think it’s horrible. I think that the government should do more to regulate firearms in the state and to do more about mental health; and relating to gun violence and its consequences because without regulation, bad things like this happen.

— Jack Madwed, sophomore





Ajin Jeong, senior

“I think it is very sad and is very close to home. It is a bit scary because I would go to some of these places so it does feel a bit more real and it does make me care more about gun violence.”

— Ajin Jeong, senior





Yara Chaib, freshman

“It is horrible and we should help those people that are mentally unstable and have stricter gun laws.”

— Yara Chaib, freshman 


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