Who: This event calls for people who are interested in protesting Trump and his administration’s rhetoric and policies.
What & Why: The event is a walkout and rally at Stanford that hopes to “demonstrate and march to show Trump and his incoming administration that we will counter the rhetoric of hate and resist policies that dehumanize people.” The rally leads to an open mic event after, where all are welcome to share poetry, speeches, and more to “channel this energy to spark solidarity.”
When: The rally starts at 11:30 and will last until 1:30. The open mic starts at 2:30 and will continue until 4.
Where: The rally will take place at Meyer Green Lawn at Stanford University, and the open mic will take place at Roble Gym.
Additional Info:
- Rally event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/304276229967767/
- Rally website: https://allevents.in/events/rally-the-resistance/304276229967767
- Open mic event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1371185506258737/